Well, it appears now that the notification problem with this website has been resolved and you should once again receive a notification after a new blog is posted. Took a while to get that sorted out! I’ve missed you in the meantime! You may have missed a few posts, so at your leisure look back and see what’s been happening.
Here we are on the cusp of spring – more in some locations than others! But, all of us will soon be seeing wildflowers and breaths of fresh air. The beginning of lent is coming next week. Here’s a small poem I wrote in the past about spring cleaning of the mind. May you find fresh air and a continually renewing vista as the world continues to turn us toward the light as we wave good by to February!
I want to have
a spring cleaning
of my mind.
Get ready
for an open house.
Dust off old ideas.
And I want
to get rid of
the heavy scale
in the very heart
of my heart…
The one that weighs
every small thing
to see if it is
I want to be large
about small things,
to own a telescope
instead of a microscope.
I want to put out
the welcome mat,
open the door,
to let in
the me
I want
to be.
~Penny Hackett-Evans