The Sacred Path

An Invitation to Poetry
Poetry speaks to our soul in a way that prose does not. Poems can be good medicine for the soul. Poet Phyllis Cole Dai has written that “eating one poem can save you if you’re hungry enough”. Poet Muriel Rukeyser says “The invitation to poetry is to bring your whole life to this moment.” Here you will find poems of mine as well as from others. I suggest that you choose a poem to live with for a week or so. Read it over and over, learn it by heart, share it with others. The US poet laureate, Billy Collins, once said that everyone should write a poem once a day. That invitation started me on a journey of writing my own poetry. Why not give it a try? Here you will find poems that have meant something to me, poems that I have learned by heart or written by heart. Here is a poem of mine about how to read a poem.
How to Read A Poem
Let it find
the cracks in you.
Let it flow into the dry
riverbed of what is parched
in your life. Let it purr
into your deaf ear.
Let the poem threaten
some of your cherished
Get mad at it. Realize
it gives you indigestion
at the same time
it shines a light
on a corner of you
that you swept under the rug.
Take it out dancing.
Let it sing to you.
Dare to show it your tears.
But don’t hold it
close to your chest.
Copy it. Say it.
Give it to friends.
Hide it in bushes.
Put it in the folds
of your mother’s apron.
Let it take wings
in someone else’s life too.
But first,
learn it by heart
so you can have it
Poets I like;
Ellen Bass
Raymond Carver
Billy Collins
Barbara Crooker
Jane Hirshfield
Marie Howe
Ted Kooser
Denise Levertov
Dorianne Laux
Alison Luterman
John O’Donohue
Mary Oliver
Marge Piercy
Pat Schneider
Wislava Szymborska
Naomi Shihab Nye
Lynn Ungar
Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
David Whyte
Here are some of my favorite anthologies of contemporary poetry;
edited by Betsy Small
edited by James Crews
edited by James Crews
edited by Phyllis Cole-Dai.
If you would like to receive one of my own poems each week by email, let me know by signing up here.​​​
Check the archive page in the menu for poetry writing prompts.