I have long had a keen interest in feminist thealogy. So, last Sunday I went to a church that was new to me in San Francisco. Their building is painted purple and periwinkle – and my husband saw it when he was taking an urban hike in SF a while ago. He came home and said to me “I bet that is a place you’d want to check out!” So, I finally did! It is called herchurch. (click HERE to go to their website). It is an unapologetic, honest and very lively feminist congregation. Their stated mission is "to embody and voice the prophetic wisdom and word of the Divine Feminine, to uplift the values of compassion, creativity, and care for the earth and one another." I knew right away I was in a revolutionary place when they opened with this prayer!! (I have permission to share this)
Our Mother who is within us,
we celebrate your many names.
Your wisdom come,
Your will be done,
unfolding from the depths within us.
Each day you give us all that we need.
You remind us of our limits and we let go,
You support us in our power
and we act with courage.
For you are the dwelling place within us,
the empowerment around us,
and the celebration among us.
Now and forever. Blessed Be!
~ Patricia Lynn Reilly/Pamela Parker
And then the “priestess of drumming” handed out percussion instruments to all of us and she taught a simple rhymical pattern which we all picked up. As jubilation increased, people began drumming and dancing their way up to the altar where there was homemade bread (made by a congregant) which we all shared. The sermon by Rev. Stacy Boorn, was a powerful affirmation of something that is so under attack these days, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”. There were many warm and wonderful celebratory parts to the Sunday morning service. You might want to check it out if you are in or near San Francisco. They also have an online liturgy every week. All just to say that there is truly a wide diversity of ways to celebrate the spirit. Apparently, there are more churches aligned with this one in other places in the country.
I felt my spirit greatly lifted and I enjoyed laughing, dancing, singing and drumming during church! In case you are wondering, there were men in attendance too – and dogs. All of which were easily folded into the community and celebrated. It’s always good to keep our eyes open for a wide perspective on what it means to be religious, spiritual and devoted.